Monday, September 3, 2007

We're Still Here!!!

It's been a long hard 3 months of colic, teething (already!!) and sleepless nights but I think the worst is over!

The twins are great! So sweet and so VERY different from one another. Joe is a big burly boy all action and curiosity. Laurel is very calm and watchful and a wonderful sleeper (for the most part!).

Finley set off on his first day of pre-school today. I saw him off at the door to our building. His school bus stops right outside and he cheerfully climbed aboard with his new penguin backpack. (Or pack-pack, as he calls it) There were several howlers that didn't want to leave their moms and a couple of us moms getting a little weepy. A big tearfest!

Steve is hard at work pretty much all the time and I'm starting to contemplate a life outside of the house. It'll have to be the right job with the right hours though as one person in the family working those hours is plenty!

At the end of October we are taking Fin with us to Bangkok for the weekend on Steve's company retreat. Steve and I are looking forward to a few days to lavish Fin with attention - like the good old days, pre-twins!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

6 Weeks Later........

Here we all are!! Our sweet twins (Laurel on the left and Joe on the right), one tired mom, one raver toddler, and one tired dad! Will add more soon!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Big Day!!!

Here we are!!! I was supposed to go home on Saturday and continue bedrest at home - however..... On Friday night I started having painful contractions that turned into labour in the wee hours of Saturday. I had an emergency c-section On Saturday morning and the twins were born around 4:20am. We managed to wait for Steve to arrive and then the show was on the road!

The girl (Laurel, probably) was 2.4 kilos and the boy (Joseph, probably) was 2.6 kilos. Both are doing well but are in the Special Care Unit for a couple more days. More later!
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I forgot that I mean to share this link with all of you back before I took my vacation from blogging!,,2-2007190295,00.html

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Fingers Crossed Everyone!

Sigh! I'm back in the hospital and this time it looks like it's for the long haul. My Dr. says there is "No discussion", I am here until I am at least 34 weeks and possible until delivery. Fortunately 34 weeks is only a week and a half away. Please everybody cross your fingers that everything goes well.

Fin has been coming to visit every day, but I sure miss him! Steve is able to come up and share dinner after work somedays, which is so nice! Not exactly your ideal date night, but better than nothing!

The good news is that the twins are big, even for single babies they are on the large side. So even if they are born way too early, they have an excellent chance of doing really well. I have been given steroid shots to hurry their lung development and apparently this makes a big difference to preemies.

I will post some cute photos of Fin hanging out in my room next time. Right now I've pretty much used up my allotted time for sitting upright - must go back to lying down!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mexican Doctor?

Fin Watching "Mexican Doctor"

Fin as Spiderman

Fin and Sean

Red Rain Clouds

Fin started talking about Mexican Doctor the other night to Steve, leaving Steve baffled until he realised that Mexican Doctor was actually Mr. Conductor, a character from Fin's favourite Thomas the Tank Engine movie. Toddler accent is even trickier than the local Cantonese accent sometimes! Speaking of which, Evelyn has been teaching Fin Cantonese phrases and apparently Fin is impressing all the locals they run into by greeting them in Cantonese. Brag moment here - apparently he even uses the correct intonation! Maybe he can teach Steve and I next!

Fin attended his first Birthday party here. As you can see he went as Spiderman and even consented to having his face painted! Although he wouldn't go as far as wearing the face mask that came with the costume. The Birthday party sounds like it was quite an impressive affair. I don't know if we will be able to keep up with the Joneses in that department. They had a facepainter, a balloon "artist", an entertainer and they gave away gift wrapped presents as party favours. Ack! When I think child's Birthday party I think cake, ice-cream and a pinata - DONE!

Fin had his first day of Stepping Stones - playgroup where he gets left on his own - today. Apparently he settled in really well and was perfectly happy to be on his own. It makes me a little teary! ;) Potty time is one of the scheduled activities at Stepping Stones and Evelyn was a little disturbed when Fin came home wearing a pink diaper! Apparently I was expected to send him with a change of diaper but being the somewhat negligent mom that bedrest has made me, I didn't send one.

I had a check-up last Friday and the twins continue to measure large. Yay! The boy has always presented first up until now - the girl has managed to wiggle her way into pole position. The race is on!

In an attempt to get these guys to at least 34 weeks I am confined to the apartment at least until then. However, I am going to sneak a break on the 26th to attend a lecture and lunch about having twins. I'm very excited about the outing!

Steve has had a little more time in the last week and we've all had such a wonderful time hanging out together. Steve took Fin to the zoo on Sunday and they had a fantastic time. Steve taught Fin to call "Yoo-hoo!" to the animals to get their attention and now Fin calls out Yoo-hoo! all the time. Very cute!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Angels Wanna Wear My Red Shoes.......

Maybe that would explain why Fin is sleeping in his new red shoes! Keeping them safe from those covetous angels! The shoes are a gift from Pa (Grandpa MacDonald) and although they terrified him at first, Fin has now developed a very strong attachment to his red shoes. After putting him to bed last night I went back in to turn off his lamp and found that he had put them on for the night. He was still wearing them when he got up this morning. I'm think he must have had some pretty sweaty feet!

I'm home from the Matilda again. It seems like it was a little leak that has sealed itself up again. Fingers crossed that it stays
sealed! I'm confined to a heels up position though so I'm desperate for book and website recommendations. Danish Lego mom has been so sweet to me! She came over yesterday afternoon with banana bread and knitting books! I feel like she already knows me so well!

Pop a Wheelie!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Me and Matilda

So, back at the Matilda (hospital, aka home away from home) again. The staff here knows me fairly well by now! I was leaking some kind of fluid, although at this point it’s not certain what kind, on Saturday so the twins and I are here again and this time I’m stuck on a bed with the head tilted down. I woke up with big puffy lips from having all the blood rushing to my head all night. So for those of you that are looking for that collagen injected look without the needles – I have the solution!

The scariest part of the whole ordeal this time was the taxi ride up here. The Matilda is on Hong Kong’s Peak and the road is narrow, windy and steep. My driver went incredibly slowly, to the point where he was sometimes stopping in the middle of the road and would often sharply veer into the oncoming lane. I finally figured out what the problem was when he didn’t start up again after stopping at a red light – he was falling ASLEEP!!!

I’ve been watching a lot of terrible movies because the hospital only has a few English channels, two of them seem to exclusively air the worst movies of the last couple decades. Mixed Nuts is on tonight for example. They do get National Geographic however, so I’ve seen lots of animal courtship, amazing machines and killer beasts. One tidbit I have picked up from National Geographic was kind of interesting though. Did you know that if Manhattan had the same population density as Alaska only 25 people would live there?? Kind of amazing to imagine!

Last night I was woken up at about 3 in the morning by a crying baby in my room, when I practically jumped out my skin the nurse assured me not to worry “It’s just me and your baby.”. I think I had her worried when I told her it wasn’t my baby. She probably thought I was suffering from post-partum depression and was in denial about having a baby! She finally figured out that I haven’t had my babies yet and went on her way. Now I regret not accepting the baby and at least getting to hold it for a second!

Anyway, keep your fingers crossed that I get sent home soon. The Dr is threatening to keep me here until I deliver (need I remind you – 3 MONTHS from now???). However, I think his bark is worse than his bite and I won’t be here much longer. Also, if you have any websites that you like to waste time on forward them to me please. I’ve got plenty of time to waste!!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Yikes!!! 3 More Months???

Hi All,

Twin update: They are continuing to grow very well (as I'm sure you can tell from the photo). I can't believe there is another 3 months left for them to grow!! I'm starting to feel like I might tip over. Fin has started walking around the house poking his belly out as far as it will go and leaning back. I kind of get the feeling I'm being mocked! I didn't think that was supposed to start until the teenage years!

Fin is turning into quite the social butterfly. Going on play-dates, to birthday parties and having people over to our house. The photo was taken on our balcony with two of his favorite friends, Sean and Daniel. Daniel (on the right) goes to the same play-school as Fin and we share rides there and back. Sean lives in our building and fin and he started playing together of their own accord whenever we would meet up in the playroom. I'm so happy that Fin has such a big group of kids to play with; it's one of the best things about living here.

One of the worst things is the humidity!! I just bought two giant dehumidifiers and when I plugged them in the readout said that the humidity in our apartment was about 90%!! With the machines running full time we can keep it down to about 70%. INSANE!!! What's even crazier is that despite the humidity, whenever I run the air conditioner at night in the bedroom the air gets so dry that I end up with a bleeding nose! There's just no winning here!

Steve is working like a demon but it seems likely that he will have some time off over the Easter break. We are all looking forward to that! I'm not sure the Easter Bunny would be able to find him at his office.

Hope you all have a chocolate-y Easter!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


The twins are continuing to grow nicely. They are biggish for their gestational age, even for singles, so that is a really good sign. Naturally they have big heads! Just like the rest of us Mac-Taks. When Finley had his first check-up the Dr commented on the size of his head and said it was typical for children to be like their parents. Steve and I understood that to mean that we are the bobble-head family. So all you knitters that are contemplating hats for any of our clan, keep that in mind! ;)

I saved up all my energy and took Fin to his swim lesson on Friday and still found that I had overdone it. It's so hard though!! He loves it so much and is so darn cute in the water!!! While we are in the pool he tells me that he swims like a Baby Beluga and that he swims so free! Raffi is leaving his mark on yet another generation.

We bought several giant houseplants last week and while we were at the nursery I was bitten about 30 times and because of the medication I am taking I am finding them almost unbearably itchy! If anybody has some home remedies to suggest please send them to me ASAP!!! I'm dying here!!

I've made friends with a mom in the complex that just moved here with her family from Denmark. She has been great to hang out with and seems to share a lot of the same interests as me. It is making being confined to the complex much more pleasant! Her husband is an engineer with Lego!! How cool of a job would that be??

OK, so we are moving in to the third trimester over here and still don't have any strong feelings for naming these little guys. Argh! So please send your suggestions! Perhaps we'll post the top 5 and put it to a vote..... (Jane and Dave are, of course, already in the running!)

The photos are just kind of random shots - I need to transfer new photos to the computer and then I will post some more current ones. The top photo is Fin in our bedroom and the bottom one is Fin in Kowloon, looking over at Hong Kong Island.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thing A and Thing B

So as some of you already know the twins have insisted on a repeat visit to the hospital. Apparently they love it there! On Sunday I started having contractions that were coming very close together so was admitted for observation and medication to prevent the contractions. Everything went very smoothly and the medication completely stopped the contractions. I am home again and SO happy to be here! Not sure how long I will be on the meds but they seem to be doing the trick!

Sadly Fin didn't seem at all bothered that I was gone for 3 nights! He's too independent! Steve has been working his usual crazy hours so Evelyn has been a real life saver during this whole thing.

Now that I'm home I'm on modified bedrest again - no going out for a while. I feel like a giant incubator, all I can do is sit on the couch growing babies! Fortunately these guys keep reminding me how worth it they are with their constant wiggling and kicking.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Belated Gung Hei Fat Choy!!

We have been SO busy over the last couple weeks! Fin's class went on a little field trip to Kowloon on the Star Ferry last week - very fun! I am finding Fin's class more and more difficult as it involves a lot of getting up and down from carpet time to craft table and back down to the carpet etc. Fortunately Fin seems ready to move on to the next level, called Stepping Stones, where he will just be dropped off and I won't have to stay and participate. We also started Fin's swimming class last week and it was a TOTAL success! He has been very leery of the water in the past and has cried and made a fuss every time we have gone to the pool. He seemed to love the class though and cried and made a fuss about leaving the pool this time! He was very happy splashing around in the water and even put his face in the water....on purpose!!!

I met another mom in our complex that has a toddler close in age to Fin and is due with twins in the same week as me! It will be so nice to have someone around to compare notes with! I had another doctor's appointment today and the twins are looking great. They are as big as single babies are at this stage. The boy is lying head down and the girl is lying crosswise at the moment. They both kick and wiggle ALL the time! The doctor is very pleased with how everything is going but tells me I need to take it even easier. I feel like I'll practically be comatose if I take it much easier!

Our building put on a really wonderful Chinese New Year celebration and carnival. There was a bouncy castle, which amazingly enough Fin actually ventured into, and some traditional treats, acrobats and lion dancers. Fin was particularly impressed with the lion dancers (although we could not dissuade him of his belief that they were dragon dancers!). He still talks about them all the time and asks to go see them. After we saw them he turned to me and said "I lub dragon dancers!".

Apparently we are raising a very fiscally responsible young man. I gave him a $10 HK bill and he handed it back and asked me to "put it in the bank"! Ah! Somebody to look after us in our old age!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

No! No like it........

This is Fin's favourite phrase these days. And my least favourite! Fin is becoming a very assertive young man and lets everyone know very clearly what is and is not acceptable in his world. Fortunately he is generally quite easy going and likes most things. We are enjoying his playgroup and meeting some really nice kids and moms. I have met quite a few from our complex and we even have a playdate set up for tomorrow. The best part is the family hosting it has cats! I'm going to get my feline fix!

The other day on the elevator one of the moms that lives in our building got on with her very bald 7 month old son and Fin looked over at him and said "Nice haircut!". I can't believe he's become sarcastic at such a young age! Actually, I think he was being quite genuine.

I had the detailed anatomy scan of the twins today and in my OB's words the twins look "perfect"! Yay!! However because I have been having quite a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions I have been told that I must rest more and sleep at least 8 hours at night (HA!!!). I am taking magnesium now to help prevent contractions and my doctor thinks that later on I will have to take a different drug to prevent contractions. Thank goodness I don't ever have to be pregnant with twins again!

Everybody is gearing up for Chinese New Year here and our complex is no exception. It practically looks like an orange grove they have brought in so many miniature orange trees. They also have giant trees covered in pink blossoms and potted chrysanthemums. All of the lobbies are decked out in red lanterns and decorations and there are lit up cartoonish pigs in front of all the buildings. It's VERY festive!

Last week Fin and Evelyn and I went out to the Flower market in Kowloon and came home with armloads of beautiful flowers. While we were there we walked through the Goldfish market which was a delight for Fin. There were bags of goldfish and buckets of turtles everywhere. When Steve (who has been working crazy hours lately) has a chance we are hoping to get an aquarium set up in our apartment.

Evelyn is a real Mary Poppins except that she cooks the most wonderful Asian food. Fin has become very find of her and she is wonderful with him. She has definitely been key in making this pregnancy tolerable! Apparently she is expert at making chinese dumplings. We are putting her to the test on Thursday. We are HUGE dumpling fans and so excited to have an expert in our midst!

Tomorrow we are having a Chinese New Year celebration at Fin's playgroup and everyone is supposed to dress in tradtional chinese costume, so I will post a picture with my next entry. It should be VERY cute!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Sorry This is So Long in Coming!

I know it's been a while....... (Remember I warned everybody at the beginning that writing is not my forte!)

We are all doing really well. I am no longer on bedrest!! Yayyyy!!! My last ultrasound indicated that everything was completely normal now. I am so happy to be getting out! Also, we were able to find out the sexes of the twins........a boy AND a girl!!! We are all SO incredibly thrilled! I am feeling them moving around more and more, which is my absolute favorite part of being pregnant.

Fin is doing really well. He has started going to a local playgroup that leads into a preschool when he turns three (and is toilet trained - so now we have extra incentive!). We have met some really nice people there, but the teacher is exhausting. At least, she exhausts me! She absolutely MANIC! She shouts and sings everything, while playing tape recorded music in the background. Finley doens't seem too bothered by it - although on his first day I think he was certainly bewildered by it. I don't know if any of you have ever watched Cantonese pop entertainment shows but she is just as over the top as the people that host them!

I have met some really nice moms in the playroom of our complex. The playroom is fantastic. It's huge and has a climbing gym, a ball pit and tons of ride-on toys and giant stuffed animals. It also has a children's library and a separate play area reserved for the under 3s. It's a great place to meet people. Fin thinks we go there for his enjoyment but really it's for me to make friends!

Our helper started last week and she is transforming our lives! Our house has been thoroughly organized and cleaned. Fin is very taken with her at the moment and talks about her all the time. Steve and I are suffering little pangs of jealousy, but are mostly just enjoying the fact that there is someone always around to help with him.

Nana (Steve's mom, Pat) was here for 3 weeks and just left a couple days ago. She was absolutely wonderful and Fin loved having her at his beck and call! We went to Macau while she was here so that Fin and I could re-enter Hong Kong on our proper visas. It turned out to be a lot of fun - we took a bus tour of the older parts of Macau and everything but the actual bus was really lovely. The bus was very stinky and VERY tiny. Parts of Old Macau are designated World Heritage sites and are a really beautiful mix of Portugese and Chinese. Fin was a total champ and walked for literally hours. Nana only had to carry him occasionally and he didn't complain at all. I hope this means that he loves travel as much as his mom and dad!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Developments at the Mac-Tak Household

Here is pictoral proof that it's twins. How on earth could I be this big so early if it weren't??! I think I remember being about this size when I was 7 months pregnant with Fin!
We think we have found a structured playgroup that segues into a preschool class for Fin and are going on a tour of the facilities tomorrow. I'm very excited about Finley getting the chance to socialise a little more.
He is developing quite the sense of humour! Today while we were out walking we came across a woman sitting on a bench watching her daughter play. The woman was sitting perfectly still and didn't smile or say hi to us - so Fin stopped, watched her for a moment and when she still didn't move he said, "Statue!".
I met a couple of other moms in our complex's playroom. The seem really nice and have toddlers as well. Fin and I are also going to another mom's house on Thursday to play. Yay!! It's so nice to meet people!
In other news, Steve and I are still sleeping on the floor! Argh! However we are expecting our mattress tomorrow.
We have found that in Hong Kong you always get freebies when you sign up for services or make significant purchases. Here is our current list of freebies:
  • vacuum cleaner - for signing up for our landline telephone
  • slow-cooker - for signing up for a fax line
  • DVD player - for buying a TV
  • sound system - for signing up for a credit card
  • pillows and mattress pad - for buying a mattress
I figure it won't be long before we'll have all the household gadgets we need! A colleague of Steve's said that's how they got all of their appliances - just by signing up for stuff.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Return to the 21st Century!

Two weeks with no internet or telephone!!! Getting our utilities set up here took longer than expected, however we are now back in the real world.
Over the last two weeks we have moved in to our new apartment and made steps to makng it feel more like a home. The furniture that totally crammed our New York apartment looked so lonely in this apartment. The square footage isn't really all that different, but the layout is different enough to make an enourmous difference. For those of you that visited our Brooklyn apartment you will remember the enormous run-way that served as our hallway. The space here is a little more well thought out thank goodness!
We have ordered most of our new stuff from Ikea since I'm still more or less confined to the apartment. With the various mix-ups and backorders the Ikea team has practically become resident in the apartment. We have a lovely new bedframe (the first we've ever had!!) and I was so excited about it, only to discover that Ikea's queen is smaller than our queen-sized mattress. We have ordered a new mattress but in the meantime we are being taunted by our lovely bedframe as we sleep on the floor next to it. Grr!
Fin is loving all the new space here and thinks all the container ships going by outside are super cool. We are so close to the ocean now that even on the 47th floor we can hear the waves at night.
The twins are continuing to do well. They are each just over 15 cm now and I can feel them moving on a regular basis. SO exciting!! We had an ultrasound last week and apparenty my Dr's machine has a 3D function so he printed us some pictures that are incredibly detailed. If I'd known about that function from the start I would have insisted on it every time!! I can't believe he was holding back on us! I'm feeling a little bit nervous about just how big I'm going to get as I already look about 7 months pregnant and I still have 5 MONTHS to go. Eek!

I'll post pictures next time. This time I was just excited to be able to post anything at all after our two week break from tehcnology!

PS - I have NO idea what's with all the italics. They won't go away!