We at the Mac-Tak's are bidding a sad adieu to Guppy 3. G3 had taken to laying on the rocks at the bottom of the tank and although Fin hoped that he was just sleepy I knew in my heart of hearts it would only be a matter of days before he was floating on the top of the tank. That day was yesterday. So, goodbye G3 we hope you are happy in the big tank in the sky.
Well, I'm still enjoying my job for the most part BUT.... I had somehow blocked from my memory that part of the corporate world that likes to take what would promise to be a lovely event and turn it into something self-consciously goofy. I received my invitation to the firm dinner event to be held at the Four Seasons. "Oh how nice", I think to myself until I get to the dress code: "Black tie (uh oh - will have to buy new clothes!) with an Olympic theme"!! What the....???? Funnily enough, the woman planning the event tendered her resignation last month to be effective after the dinner. Is this her final revenge? All suggestions for attire are welcome!
While we are on the topic of Olympics - Fin had his first Sports Day, which naturally had to have an Olympic theme. The madness never ends over here! It was actually kind of fun, sort of. Fin was pretty non-plussed by the whole thing. The parents and teachers made themselves hoarse yelling at all the 3 year olds to stay on track and not wander off to look at a rock while they were in the middle of jumping hurdles. Actually, some of the parents kind of scare me. They had a dad's race at the end and the finalists had to race against each other in a totally silly put-on-a-grass-skirt-and-run-around-in-circles-with-your-forehead-on-a-stick type of a race. But some of these guys were so hyper-competitive that one of them actually CHEATED!!! In front of his kids!!! AND accepted first prize with batting an eye! What is the matter with these people anyway??
So here are some pictures from the Sports Day event. Enjoy!
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